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Places in Time: Landmarks in Aransas County

Travel back in time when you visit the exhibit at the History Center, 801 E. Cedar St.  Exhibit posters will relate the history, architecture and ownership of many Rockport favorite venues.  Artifacts will remind you of your great grand-parent’s households.


The title – Places in Time: Landmarks in Aransas County – leads you to explore the Hoopes-Smith house, the Hynes-Balthrope house, the Fulton-Bruhl home, the Baylor-Norvell house, the Fulton Mansion, the old Courthouse, Aransas Light Station, Goose Island State Park, the Sorenson-Stair Building, the LM Bracht house and the SAAP Depot. Thanks to the committee who contributed to the exhibit: Pam Stranahan, Maureen Winkelman, Becky Story, Dave Kroskie, Carol Melvin, Mel Konarik, and Linda Haynes.

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